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Showing posts from March, 2013

Offline or Disconnected Database Access

The following code shows how to use insert, delete and update in the Offline method of ADO.NET. With the help of ADO.NET we use the techniqueS of DataSet, DataAdapter, DataRowCollection, DataRow, DataColumn etc. for working with the database. //FOR INSERTION IN DATABASE SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection ( "Server=(local);DataBase=Rohit;Integrated Security=SSPI" );             conn.Open();             SqlDataAdapter vAdap = new SqlDataAdapter ( "Select * from empNew" , conn);             DataSet vDs = new DataSet ();             vAdap.Fill(vDs, "EmpNew" );             DataTable vDt = vDs.Tables[ "EmpNew" ];             D...

How to use QueryExtenderControl in ASP.NET with LINQ

Queryextender control is a control that helps in doing actions like filtration, searching, sorting etc. on the LINQ Data source with few steps. In fact we don’t have to write any code with this. Screenshot given below is just an example that can easily be achieved through this control. In the above screenshot, we can see that there is a GridView Control that has been binded to a LINQData Source Control. And we have a DropDownlistBox that is also binded to another LINQData Source Control and displaying only grouped jobs. The GridView display all the employees who are matching the Job Parameter. This is done through QueryExtender Control. Also we can search for any name in the employee name's through Query Extender control. The code in the HTML goes like: < form id ="form1" runat ="server">     < div >         Select Job: < asp : DropDownList ID ="Job" runat ="server" DataSourceID ="LinqDataSource2...