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Showing posts from 2023
 4 - Working with EntityFramework Core on Apple Silicon

NET on MAC - 3 Creating Classes in C# on Apple Silicon

.NET on MAC Apple Silicon - Working with Classes C# with VSCode!

4. Does Marks and Grades Really Matter?

Does Marks and Grades Really Matter beyond a point in getting employed?

5. List Tuple Sets and Dictionaries in Python

List, Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries in Python

Professional Certifications Really the Worth

Professional Certifications

4. Loops in Python

Loops in Python

3. Good and Bad Decisions in Life

Good or Bad Decisions in Life!

2. Experience - What I like and Dislike in Canada?

What I like and don't like About Canada?

3. Functions in Python

Learn Functions in Python! Python Learning Series!

Installaling Python on Windows PC

Azure SQL DB Fail Over Group

Azure SQL Read Replica - Creation and improving performance

Evolution of Web Technologies

Calling ChatGPT Open AI API with Nodejs

Azure Data Explorer - Using Runtime columns and Extend Operator

2. ADF - Create Data Factory Instance in Azure Portal

1 Azure Data Factory Introduction

Azure Storage Queue Peek and Receive Message - 3

Azure Storage Queue Create Messages 2

Azure Storage Queue Intro - 1

UseEffect hook - Learn React Easy - Part 9

Learn React Easyway - using Hooks in Functional components