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Error: HTTPS 413: The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large.

Users will encounter a problem of 'HTTPS 413: The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large'. If we implement https (secured socket layer) in our website, this will cause the error to occur mainly because of two reasons:

1. Data is transmitted every time whenever the re-negotiation occurs between client and server.
2. Files uploaded by the users are of large size.

The problem is because of the SSL. Whenever we implement SSL on the web site, every time the client re-negotiates with the server, data is sent again and again, which exceeds the limit of the uploadreadaheadSize, a variable to handle the data sent in the post back or reloading of the pages. In order to avoid the problem, the following command can be given at the command prompt:

cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/3/uploadreadaheadsize 204800
(where the last 204800 is the size in bytes which we want. The default size is 48 KB. Also 3 is the index of the website to which we want to apply. We can check the index of websites from applicationhost.config file)

And after that just restart the web site and the problem is resolved.

I hope this will help users.


Very meaningful & knowledgeable post...
Unknown said…
sir ji, why restart, we have something called reload in Linux and that will re read all the configuration files in apache.Site will never go down even for single minute.hehe ;)


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