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App Development for Android Platform.

Anybody who wants to learn app development on Android needs to have the following pre-requisites:

1. Knowledge of JAVA Language.
2. Knowledge of OOPs concept.
3. Basic knowledge of XML language.

If any body is already well versed with the above mentioned concepts, he /she can directly start learning App development for Android platform. If that's not the case, then then my sincere advice to all, firstly go through these concepts and then start learning Android. It will be very beneficial for you.


Anonymous said…
Hi Rohit:

So glad to find your course online. It would be great to see your interest in creating an online course on Android App Development.

I am writing to you on behalf of WizIQ courses [if you'd like to learn more here is the link for you to see]. We do have an android course as well [quickly navigate to that at if you'd like a quick dekho]. Let me know if you (or even someone reading this blog) would be interested in that. We are looking for beginners and advanced course instructors.

Rohit said…
Hi Vikrama,

Thanks a lot reading my blog. Can you please give more details about the proposal you have, so that we can discuss it further. Also let me know your email address and phone number.
Anonymous said…
Hey Rohit:

You can contact me at and I'll reach out to you!

-Vikrama Dhiman

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