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Vibration vanishes on Samsung galaxy s2 after ICS update

Some users have reported that, after they update their Samsung Galaxy S2 to ICS 4.0.3, vibration completely vanishes on the phone. I also faced the same problem. Till now, no specific reason why it happens and any update has been given by Samsung that recifies the problem. I rectified the problem using the following steps:

a. Firstly put the phone in silent mode. (Even if doesnot vibrates).
b. Switch off the phone.
c. Switch on the phone. While the operating system loads, you will notice a small vibration at the start. If this happens, the phone's vibration facility will function properly.

Normally the problem doesnot occur again. But if it occurs, repeat the same steps again. Why it happens, there is no logical reason to explain, but in my case it worked. Please try this method if you face this same problem and share your experience.


Unknown said…
Dont tell me sir , you are using STOCK ROM on your dual core S2,
Find some custom ROMs on XDA-DEVELOPERS.COM

You will get 4.0.4 with whole lot of tweaks, You can even try AOKP which is one of the best

And Finally My Team ROM ..
You will be able to use tablet/ phone mode at the same time..It feature PAL , PAD For the first time in Android History

More Details :

Official XDA -Thread For S2 :

My Website :

I am Rakesh aka blindndumb
A student of LPU, B.Tech CSE 3rdYear (waiting for results to move to 4th year ;), Currently struggling to make v3 kernel for android )

Cheers :)
Unknown said…
This is the correct xda link for galaxy sII
Rohit said…

Tried every custom rom on the samsung galaxy s2. Custom rom's etc. But the vibration didn't work. That's I posted the solution.
Burhan said…
Thanks a lot for the solution...It worked for me as well
madhav_c said…
No sir this doesnt work for me
Geeky2Core said…
Thanks alot :)
It worked for me but while restarting there was no vibration.
Gelásio said…
not working for me
Unknown said…
For me work.When no vibration,turn phone on silent mode,restart and then work:)

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