In order to differentiate between two rows, we normally use primary keys or identity values which may be same across two tables. In order to overcome this problem we can use a special type named "GUID" . Its a hexadecimal number (Base 16) and the advantage is that they are unique across all databases and tables. In SQL Server the same concept is implemented through UNIQUEIDENTIFIER data type. In order to generate a new value, we use the NEWID() function. For e.g. a. Creating a table that uses the UNIQUEIDENTIFIER datatype Create table Test ( Empno uniqueidentifier, Ename varchar(20) ) b. Inserting rows in the tables with the use of NEWID() function insert into Test values (newId(),'ABC') insert into Test values (newid(),'XYZ') insert into test values (newid(),'MNO') c. Selecting the rows from the table. Select * from test Empno ...
1) when i insert image in 3.5 .net using VS 2008 then
"Byte array truncation to a length of 8000" this occur. using SQLCE
2) VS 2008 Not Support SQL2012 express "becouse i have VS2008 complete Version so I can't switch this version to another version"